Monday, December 28, 2009

Hello all,
Mr. Schiffman was back at the studio for the first time today. HOORAY!!!
We also got the first bill. Almost $900 for the ambulance. YIKES!!! If you can help out by donating to Mr. Schiffman's medical fund, that would be great. If not I more than understand! It is just past the holidays and times are tight. If you get a chance, please spread the word that folks can drop Mr. Schiffman an e-mail at
Thanks again and happy holidays!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Update on Mark. He was discharged from the hospital tonight and is going to our Dad's house. He is very exhausted so I am asking that everyone hold phone calls to him until tomorrow. I don't know if I am going up Wed or not, but I will show him this blog when I see him. Right after I hug and kiss him and slobber all over him that I am glad he is alive!

Update on my brother Mr. Schiffman. Mark seems to be in good spirits today. The doctors are going to put in a second stent. I am trying to get up there from North Carolina probably up I-95. Can someone tell me what the roads are like and if there is more winter weather expected up that way?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hooray! Mark has been moved to a regular room with a working phone! E-mail me for the number at

Sunday December 20

Hi Folks,
I just talked to the nurses on the Critical Care unit. Mark is doing better and may be moved to another room today. While he has a phone in his room, he cannot accept calls on it...only call out. Mark has his cell phone with him, but no charger so I don't know how long that will last.
Thanks to all who have donated, called, e-mailed, Facebooked, etc!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

First Post

Hello all,
Like I said I am trying to raise funds to help Mark out with his medical bills. I guess the best way is through PayPal and I am still muddling through this. I spoke to Mark briefly and he is very tired, as is expected. I will try and keep you up dated on his condition. Unfortunately there is about 400 miles and a blizzard between me and my brother.